Catatan di malam hari
02 Jan 2009 – Jumaat
C7 Flat UTM
Malam – malam, ketika semuanya tengah tidur aku sempat membelek – belek sebuah buku yang lama aku beli tetapi masih belum tamat – tamat lagi aku baca.
Buku bertajuk Final Judgment: Israel’s Nuclear WMD and the Assassianation of JFK (karya Michael C Piper.)
Di bab – bab akhir (baca terus bab akhir hehehe), dia menyimpulkan kematian JFK ditangan pasukan pembunuh Israel yang ditunjangi oleh MOSSAD [1] telah menyebabkan beberapa implikasi besar kepada dasar – dasar US dan Israel, antaranya [2]:
i. Preservation of the CIA autonomy [3]
ii. Protection of J Edgar Hoover’s [4] FBI empire
iii. A change in Vietnam policy, resulting in
a) a profitable war for Lyndon Johnson (and Israel’s) allies in the military –
industrial complex, and
b) a continuing cover for ever – expanding joint CIA – Lansky drug – smuggling opes
out of Southeast Asia
iv. An end to the burgeoning crackdown on the Lansky Organized Crime Syndicate [5],
Prog Pemuda subuh ni:
Qiam dan Solat hajat sempena PRK K Terengganu dan Pencerobohan Yahudi ke atas Palestin
430 am (3 Jan 2009)
Surau Taman Permata
C7 Flat UTM
Malam – malam, ketika semuanya tengah tidur aku sempat membelek – belek sebuah buku yang lama aku beli tetapi masih belum tamat – tamat lagi aku baca.
Buku bertajuk Final Judgment: Israel’s Nuclear WMD and the Assassianation of JFK (karya Michael C Piper.)
Di bab – bab akhir (baca terus bab akhir hehehe), dia menyimpulkan kematian JFK ditangan pasukan pembunuh Israel yang ditunjangi oleh MOSSAD [1] telah menyebabkan beberapa implikasi besar kepada dasar – dasar US dan Israel, antaranya [2]:
i. Preservation of the CIA autonomy [3]
ii. Protection of J Edgar Hoover’s [4] FBI empire
iii. A change in Vietnam policy, resulting in
a) a profitable war for Lyndon Johnson (and Israel’s) allies in the military –
industrial complex, and
b) a continuing cover for ever – expanding joint CIA – Lansky drug – smuggling opes
out of Southeast Asia
iv. An end to the burgeoning crackdown on the Lansky Organized Crime Syndicate [5],
v. A drastic reversal in US policy toward Israel
Prog Pemuda subuh ni:
Qiam dan Solat hajat sempena PRK K Terengganu dan Pencerobohan Yahudi ke atas Palestin
430 am (3 Jan 2009)
Surau Taman Permata
End Note
[1] Organisasi Perisikan Israel. (The Institute for Intelligence and Special Tasks). rujuk:
[2] Piper, Michael C. Final Judgment: Israel’s Nuclear WMD and the Assassination of John F Kennedy. K Lumpur: Saba Islamic Media, 2005. Hal. 212
[3] Lihat:
[4] Lihat:
[5] Lihat:
[1] Organisasi Perisikan Israel. (The Institute for Intelligence and Special Tasks). rujuk:
[2] Piper, Michael C. Final Judgment: Israel’s Nuclear WMD and the Assassination of John F Kennedy. K Lumpur: Saba Islamic Media, 2005. Hal. 212
[3] Lihat:
[4] Lihat:
[5] Lihat: