JF-17 Thunder : Pakistan New Generation Fighter

1. The JF-17 Thunder a new generation, light-weight, all weather, day/night multi-role fighter aircraft with glass cockpit, hands-on-throttle-and-stick (HOTAS) controls and efficient man-machine interface will ensure a minimal pilot workload.

2. The maximum speed of Mach 1.6 and a high thrust-to-weight ratio will enable it to perform well in an air defence role.

3. An ability to carry short- as well as long-range air-to-air missiles lends the aircraft a first shot capability.

4. In the surface attack role, a variety of weapons – conventional as well as precision-guided, a sophisticated avionics suite along with accurate weapon delivery system, ensure higher mission success rate.

5. An effective ECM suite will greatly enhance survivability of the platform.

6. Its anticipated air-to-air refuelling capability will provide the JF-17 with more loiter time to safeguard the frontiers and the ability to deliver the required punch at distance.

Source: http://www.anewstime.com/for-the-first-time-in-pakistan-to-launch-combat-morning/43142.html


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